Top "Telegram-bot" questions

The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram which is an instant-messaging app with documented API.

How to join my Telegram Bot to PUBLIC channel

My question is: how to join my telegram bot to a telegram public channel that I am not administrator of …

python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
How can create menu for telegram bot in bot father?

I'm new in telegram bot and see this bot: that but when type /start show menu to me and with …

webhooks telegram telegram-bot telegram-webhook
Sending animated GIFs with sendPhoto (Telegram bot)

I'm trying to send an animated GIF with sendPhoto (Telegram's Bot API) with this request:…

telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot
how to use setwebhook in telegram?

Hello I'm creating a bot in telegram. I send a http request:…

certificate telegram telegram-bot
Although I install python-telegram-bot, error of no module named 'telegram'

I installed telegram packages. But when I try to run the simple example,, I got an error: Traceback (…

python git python-2.7 telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Get photo in telegram bot through pyTelegramBotAPI

I'm trying to develop a simple bot, that can retrieve photo from user and then do several operations with media …

python python-2.7 telegram-bot py-telegram-bot-api
Telegram URL schema: which url to trigger the client to open the "share/send to" dialogue

I am working on an telegram bot, and looking for the exact URL schema to popup the "Share / Select Group / …

telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
How telegram bot can get file_id of uploaded file?

In telegram API documentation I see: "You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a photo that …

node.js telegram telegram-bot
How do I have my Bot respond with arguments?

So I've built a Telegram bot, which can receive the following commands: /list /info 123 This works great, as I can …

telegram telegram-bot
How to fix "moov atom not found" error in ffmpeg?

Well, I'm using this project to create a Telegram bot which receives URL of mp4 files, downloads them on server …

node.js ffmpeg telegram telegram-bot fluent-ffmpeg