I'm new to telegram bots, I want to know when we add a telegram bot to a group, can it access to any information about group members?? and I know about privacy mode, whether it is on or off , can bot access to any information about the user who sent a message that the bot can read??
A bot has access to:
The bot can only extract this info from a Message (i.e. it cannot query the group member's names).
If privacy mode is disabled, the bot can read all messages sent in a group. If it is enabled, a bot is only receives messages aimed directly at the bot (e.g. using a command or a reply to a message from the bot). A user is able to check whether a bot has Privacy mode enabled/disabled in the list of group members.
Sidenote: take care when adding bots to a group that have privacy mode disabled, since they might be maliciously storing messages.