Top "Telegram-bot" questions

The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram which is an instant-messaging app with documented API.

How do I download a file or photo that was sent to my Telegram bot?

I am using the telegram bot API but I cant see anyway to download a filé that was sent to …

api telegram-bot
How to send Emoji with Telegram Bot API?

I need to send messages containing emoji with my Telegram Bot. So I copy/paste emoji code :nine: for example, …

php telegram-bot
How can I send a message to someone with my telegram bot using their Username

I am using the telepot python library, I know that you can send a message when you have someone's UserID(…

python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Sending message in telegram bot with images

I have telegram-bot code on php, and reply messages sending by replyWithMessage method. All command here: $this->replyWithMessage(['text' =&…

php telegram telegram-bot
Find out my own user ID for sending a message with Telegram API

For Telegram, how can I find out my own user id (chat_id) for use with the Telegram API? I …

telegram telegram-bot userid
How to receive messages in group chats using telegram bot api

My telegram bot receives messages sent by user to my bot in private chats but not receives messages sent by …

Telegram BOT Api: how to send a photo using PHP?

The sendPhoto command require an argument photo defined as InputFile or String. The API doc tells: Photo to send. You …

php curl telegram telegram-bot
How to show options in telegram bot?

I want to write a bot telegram.How to put possible option in my bot.I insert a picture of …

How we should send query to Telegram bot API?

After creating a telegram bot and gain bot token, I want to send a request to the bot API. This …

api telegram telegram-bot
How to get user_id of a phone number in telegram

Im creating a bot to send message to multiple contact in Telegram. user can share contact with bot. then i …

api telegram telegram-bot