Top "Tdd" questions

Test-Driven Development (TDD) involves writing a failing automated test to specify what is to be built.

BDD framework for the frontend?

On the server side we have Rspec/Cucumber for BDD development (ruby) vowsjs (node.js) Is there a BDD frameworks …

javascript tdd yui bdd qunit
URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?) testing Rails controllers

I get URI::InvalidURIError testing Rails Home controller: require 'test_helper' class HomeControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "should get index" …

ruby-on-rails ruby controller tdd minitest
Why using Integration tests instead of unit tests is a bad idea?

Let me start from definition: Unit Test is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if …

unit-testing tdd integration-testing
Is 100% code coverage a really good thing when doing unit tests?

I always learned that doing maximum code coverage with unit tests is good. I also hear developers from big companies …

unit-testing documentation tdd code-maintainability
unit testing c# properties

I am working with a class that has lots of properties. For example; public class Bib { public int PartQty { get; …

c# .net tdd xunit
Does TDD include integration tests?

I'm working on some code that includes database access. Does test-driven development include integration tests as well as the usual …

unit-testing tdd integration-testing
Is it impossible to use Guard with RubyMine?

For some inexplicable reason, RubyMine autosaves every change you make and so every key stroke will trigger Guard to run …

ruby-on-rails rspec tdd rubymine guard
How do I test Prism event aggregator subscriptions, on the UIThread?

I have a class, that subscribes to an event via PRISMs event aggregator. As it is somewhat hard to mock …

c# tdd prism ui-thread eventaggregator
Process of testing with TypeORM and Nestjs, and jest using mocks?

This question can likely be generalized to stubbing repositories in a service and how to properly test and provide coverage …

testing tdd nestjs typeorm
TDD vs. Unit testing

My company is fairly new to unit testing our code. I've been reading about TDD and unit testing for some …

unit-testing language-agnostic tdd