Test-Driven Development (TDD) involves writing a failing automated test to specify what is to be built.
Which way is proper for mocking and testing code that iters object returned by open(), using mock library? whitelist_data.…
python tdd mocking python-mockThis question just occurred to my mind and I want to ask this here. The case is intentional, I just …
unit-testing junit tdd nunit infinite-loopI'm learning TDD but struggling to adopt it as it's not straightforward. The question I cannot answer is "How to …
java unit-testing junit tddI've been working on a few mocha/chai tests, and I still haven't found a good way of running my …
tdd mocha chaiI recently stumbled across this entry in the google testing blog about guidelines for writing more testable code. I was …
c++ oop tdd polymorphismWhen writing more than a trivial script in bash, I often wonder how to make the code testable. It is …
bash tddI think back to Joel Spolsky's article about never rewriting code from scratch. To sum up his argument: The code …
architecture tdd testingI'm working with a ASP.NET MVC solution in a test driven manner and I want to login a user …
asp.net-mvc unit-testing tdd mocking forms-authentication