Top "Tdatetime" questions

Conversion with StrToDateTime and TFormatSettings does not work

This code should work in Delphi XE2, but it gives "not a valid date and time" error in StrtoDateTime conversion: …

delphi delphi-xe2 tdatetime formatdatetime
How does Delphi calculate TDateTime as a Float value?

I am new in Delphi programming. While going through the Data Types in Delphi I found TDateTime. While using it …

delphi tdatetime
Convert UTC string to TDatetime in Delphi

var tm : string; dt : tdatetime; tm := '2009-08-21T09:11:21Z'; dt := ? I know I can parse it manually but …

delphi utc tdatetime
Calculating time length between operations in c++

The program is a middleware between a database and application. For each database access I most calculate the time length …

c++ time tdatetime
Subtract two TDATETIME variables in Delphi and return the result in minutes

I have two TDateTime variables, like this: s := StrToDateTime('03/03/2017 10:10:12'); e := StrToDateTime('04/04/2017 10:10:12'); I need to find out …

delphi tdatetime
Specific validation of dates using TryStrToDate

I'm trying to validate dates entered by the user using TryStrToDate to ensure that they can be properly displayed on …

delphi validation delphi-7 tdatetime