Convert UTC string to TDatetime in Delphi

Irwan picture Irwan · Oct 21, 2009 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source
  tm : string;
  dt : tdatetime;

tm := '2009-08-21T09:11:21Z';
dt := ?

I know I can parse it manually but I wonder if there is any built-in function or Win32 API function to do this ?


delphi_hangover picture delphi_hangover · Nov 25, 2009

I don't know why there are so many people shooting their mouth off when they don't know what they are talking about? I have to do this menial work; Is it a RAD tool? I sometimes find Delphi has a real superb architecture, though.

procedure setISOtoDateTime(strDT: string);
  // Delphi settings save vars
  ShortDF, ShortTF : string;
  TS, DS : char;
  // conversion vars
  dd, tt, ddtt: TDateTime;
  // example datetime test string in ISO format
  strDT := '2009-07-06T01:53:23Z';

  // save Delphi settings
  DS := DateSeparator;
  TS := TimeSeparator;
  ShortDF := ShortDateFormat;
  ShortTF := ShortTimeFormat;

  // set Delphi settings for string to date/time
  DateSeparator := '-';
  ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd';
  TimeSeparator := ':';
  ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss';

  // convert test string to datetime

    dd := StrToDate( Copy(strDT, 1, Pos('T',strDT)-1) );
    tt := StrToTime( Copy(strDT, Pos('T',strDT)+1, 8) );
    ddtt := trunc(dd) + frac(tt);

    on EConvertError do
      ShowMessage('Error in converting : ' + strDT);

  // restore Delphi settings
  DateSeparator := DS;
  ShortDateFormat := ShortDF;
  TimeSeparator := TS;
  ShortTimeFormat := ShortTF;

  // display test string
  ShowMessage ( FormatDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss', ddtt) );