Top "Tabbar" questions

TabBar is a ActionScript UI component used for switching between different application states.

Change Action bar title for each tab swipe on android

I have set up Action bar with swipe tabs using ActionBarSherlock and Fragments. I want to have different Action bar …

android android-fragments android-actionbar actionbarsherlock tabbar
How to use TabController

I just learned flutter, I was confused how to use the TabController, I had followed what was described on the …

flutter tabbar flutter-appbar
custom scrollable tab bar on top iOS

I have a question about implementing a custom scrollable tab bar at the top of the screen in an iOS …

ios scrollbar tabbar
Adding login screen in front of Cocoa Touch Tab Bar Application for IOS

Still getting my head around things here. I'm not even close, but anyways.... I have a TabBar application created from …

iphone objective-c xcode ios tabbar
How to detect TabBar change in Flutter?

I need to detect TabBar when I swipe then print somethings on console, how I can do that? This is …

dart flutter tabbar
Android action bar tab bar divider

I am having problem setting the drawable for the divider. My style.xml looks like this: <resources xmlns:android="…

android styles themes tabbar divider
Disable user interaction on tabBar

I am displaying an image right after the app didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, the app consists in a tab bar, and in the …

ios uiview uiimageview uibutton tabbar
Setting the height of UITabBar

I've created a simple custom tabbar by setting the images of each item, as following: UITabBar *tabBar = self.tabBarController.tabBar; …

ios tabbar
change tab bar item image in swift programatically

I am working on an app in Xcode. I currently have three tabBarItems on my tab bar. I want the …

ios swift tabbar tabbarcontroller
how to add icon and Image in Tabhost android?

I am following this tutorial to add icon along with text using Tabhost. I am writting following codes to add …

android android-tabhost tabbar android-framelayout tabwidget