TabBar is a ActionScript UI component used for switching between different application states.
I have 5 tab bar items. The first one will be the login page. When the user haven't logged on other …
xcode uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller uitabbar tabbari want to create one tab bar from storyboard and i create it but when click on tab bar at …
ios swift3 uitabbarcontroller tabbarDoes any one know if the official documentation tells us the height of the tab bar on iOS 8 iPad applications? …
ios ios8 tabbarI'm having some issues getting high resolution tab bar icons displaying correctly for iPhone 4. Basically I'm using the Apple guidelines …
iphone icons tabbar retina-displayHow do I disable a particular tabbar item? Something like for the 3rd icon... self.tabBarItem.items![2].enabled = false There …
swift uitabbarcontroller tabbarI currently try to find a way to remove while run the app a TabBar Item, i found a way …
ios swift uitabbarcontroller tabbarI would like to use the standard icons like search, download, contact, setup, and list. Most of them existing in …
iphone icons tabbarI was developed android application. More over i have completed, but i want to minimize option. I have used tab …
android tabbarOn iOS 10 this code doesn't work in order to remove the tabBar shadow line: [[UITabBar appearance] setShadowImage:[[UIImage alloc] init]]; …
ios ios10 tabbar