Top "System.reactive" questions


RX: Run Zipped Observables in parallel?

So I'm playing around with RX (really cool), and I've been converting my api that accesses a sqlite database in …

java system.reactive rx-java
Observable.FromAsync vs Task.ToObservable

Does anyone have a steer on when to use one of these methods over the other. They seem to do …

c# .net system.reactive
How can I clear the buffer on a ReplaySubject?

How can I clear the buffer on a ReplaySubject? Periodically I need to clear the buffer (as an end of …

c# system.reactive
How to cancel an observable sequence

I have a very simple IObservable<int> that acts as a pulse generator every 500ms: var pulses = Observable.…

c# system.reactive cancellation
Real world examples of Rx

Possible Duplicate: Good example of Reactive Extensions Use I've been playing around with the Reactive Extension for a little while …

c# .net asynchronous system.reactive
Rx - can/should I replace .NET events with Observables?

Given the benefits of composable events as offered by the Reactive Extensions (Rx) framework, I'm wondering whether my classes should …

c# events system.reactive
C# 5.0 async/await feature and Rx - Reactive Extensions

I am wondering what do the new C# 5.0 asynchronous features mean for Rx - Reactive Extensions? It seems to be …

c# asynchronous system.reactive c#-5.0 async-await
Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) in WPF - MVVM

I am using Reactive extensions for NET (Rx) with Caliburn.Micro in my WPF app. I'm trying to port my …

wpf observer-pattern caliburn.micro system.reactive
Using Reactive Extensions (Rx) for socket programming practical?

What is the most succint way of writing the GetMessages function with Rx: static void Main() { Socket socket = new Socket(…

c# .net sockets system.reactive
How do Reactive Framework, PLINQ, TPL and Parallel Extensions relate to each other?

At least since the release of .NET 4.0, Microsoft seems to have put a lot of effort in support for parallel …

system.reactive plinq parallel-extensions task-parallel-library