I'm learning my way around Rx within WinForms, and have the following code: // Create an observable from key presses, grouped …
.net winforms system.reactiveI would like to call back an async function within an Rx subscription. E.g. like that: public class Consumer { …
c# asynchronous system.reactive reactive-programmingI am looking an operator to debounce a series of event, let us say user's click. The input and output …
rx-java rxjs system.reactive debounceCurrently, I am using an EventBus/PubSub architecture/pattern with Scala (and JavaFX) to implement a simple note organizing app (…
event-handling system.reactive reactive-programming event-bus rx-javaThe Reactive Extensions come with a lot of helper methods for turning existing events and asynchronous operations into observables but …
c# system.reactiveOne of the main examples being used to explain the power of Reactive Extensions (Rx) is combining existing mouse events …
mvvm system.reactive reactive-programmingFound, but I could not figure out the bottom line - where is …
c# system.reactive .net-coreMicrosoft introduced the IObservable<T> interface to the BCL with .NET Framework 4, and I thought, "Great, finally, I …
events design-patterns .net-4.0 system.reactiveWhen would one choose to use Rx over TPL or are the 2 frameworks orthogonal? From what I understand Rx is …
c# .net task-parallel-library system.reactiveI'm quite new to these high level concurrency paradigms, and I've started using the scala RX bindings. So I'm trying …
rabbitmq system.reactive zeromq reactive-programming