Top "Syntax-error" questions

A syntax error occurs when a program does not follow the syntactical rules of the programming language.

jenkins attachments - what is the syntax?

I'm trying to have Jenkins attach a file or set of files to the email notification that the job has …

email ant jenkins syntax-error attachment
c - cannot take address of bit-field

Why cannot take address of bit-field? How do I make a pointer to bit-field? Here is the code... struct bitfield { …

c pointers syntax-error bit-fields memory-address
Visual Studio thinks correct SQL syntax is incorrect

In Visual Studio 2013, I have created a database project and imported an existing database. At first all was fine, and …

tsql visual-studio-2013 syntax-error database-project
osascript / syntax error: Expected end of line but found command name. (-2741)

I'm running into problems with a shell script that utilizes a small portion of Applescript. When I compile it with …

syntax applescript syntax-error osascript
Error: SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 on Tag Creation Using jQuery

I have the following javascript: var orderItemQuantity = $('<input/>', { type: 'hidden', name: 'order_detail[][quantity]', value: …

javascript jquery dom syntax-error dtd
Syntax error with std::numeric_limits::max

I have class struct definition as follows: #include <limits> struct heapStatsFilters { heapStatsFilters(size_t minValue_ = 0, size_t maxValue_ = …

c++ visual-c++ syntax syntax-error numeric-limits
Editor giving "Unexpected End Tag" syntax error for HTML file

Edit: Because of the time restriction of the project I just had to revert to a working copy of the …

html editor syntax-error komodoedit
calling function inside preg_replace thats inside a function

I have some code with the a structure similar to this function bbcode($Text) { //$Text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.+?)\[\/video\]/",embed_…

php function preg-replace syntax-error
unexpected token: VALUES near line 1, column 57

JPA.em("default").createQuery("insert into USER (FULLNAME, EMAIL, USERNAME, PASSWORD) " + " VALUES (\'"+fullname+"\',\'"+email+"\',\'"+username+"\…

playframework syntax-error sql-in
How do you get Vim to highlight C++ syntax errors like Visual Studio?

Is it possible to get gVim to highlight C++ syntax errors (the red squiggles underneath) in real-time like Visual Studio?

c++ vim syntax-error syntax-highlighting