Top "Syntax-error" questions

A syntax error occurs when a program does not follow the syntactical rules of the programming language.

c++ error C2662 cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const Type' to 'Type &'

I am trying to overload the c++ operator== but im getting some errors... error C2662: 'CombatEvent::getType' : cannot convert 'this' …

c++ operator-overloading syntax-error friend-function
nested SELECT in INSERT sql statement

Can someone tell me why this doesnt work? INSERT INTO Medical_History (pid, grafts, allergies, diseases, surgearies, treatment) VALUES ((SELECT …

syntax-error sql insert-statement
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ',' or ';' in

I am recieveing the following parse error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ',' or ';' …

php syntax-error
Prompt JavaScript If Else Unexpected Token else

I'm teaching myself JavaScript using Code Academy and I'm trying to make some simple code so that when prompt asks …

javascript if-statement syntax-error prompt
mysql_error() not displaying an error

I am trying to debug my code but mysql_error() isn't displaying anything. I know there is something wrong, because …

php mysql syntax-error mysql-error-1064
syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'

I just installed Ruby 1.9.2 after having used 1.8.7, as there is a feature I need. I had called many of my …

ruby syntax-error ruby-1.9
Constant expression contains invalid operations

I have the following code, where I get the error "PHP Fatal Error: Constant expression contains invalid operations". It works …

php class properties syntax-error compile-time-constant
Python 3.2 Lambda Syntax Error

def sort_dictionary( wordDict ): sortedList = [] for entry in sorted(wordDict.iteritems(), key = lambda (k, v): (-v, k) ): sortedList.append( entry ) …

python lambda syntax-error
Syntax error , insert "EnumBody" to complete EnumDeclaration

I was in middle of coding and accidentally put the following line of code at the part of class where …

java eclipse syntax-error eclipse-indigo
Can't find the error: VLOOKUP not returning the value

I am working with an excel file and I am trying to "map" some values with the vLookUp function. The …

excel formatting syntax-error excel-formula vlookup