Top "Synchronization" questions

Synchronization refers to using controls to maintain a coherent representation, either a group of processes running the same program (process synchronization), or representations of data (data synchronization).

Ldap error code 32

I'm trying to synchronize OpenLDAP and Active directory together. To do so I'm using a program called LSC-Project which is …

active-directory ldap synchronization openldap
Best way to instantly mirror/sync files from Windows to Linux server

I have a directory on a Windows machine with a large number of files and folders that I need to …

file synchronization mirroring
Conditional Variable vs Semaphore

When should one use a semaphore and when should one use a conditional variable (CondVar) ?

multithreading operating-system synchronization semaphore mutual-exclusion
Concurrent threads adding to ArrayList at same time - what happens?

We have multiple threads calling add(obj) on an ArrayList. My theory is that when add is called concurrently by …

java concurrency synchronization arraylist
pthreads mutex vs semaphore

What is the difference between semaphores and mutex provided by pthread library ?

c linux synchronization pthreads mutex
Symbolic links and synced folders in Vagrant

I want to use Vagrant to provide a common development environment to my team. The hosts are completely different: Some …

synchronization sync vagrant rsync vagrantfile
How to share semaphores between processes using shared memory

I have to synchronize N client processes with one server. These processes are forked by a main function in which …

c synchronization client-server semaphore shared
Monitor vs Mutex in c#

Possible Duplicate: What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#? What is the difference between a Monitor …

c# multithreading synchronization
How to synchronize two Subversion repositories?

My company has a subsidiary with a slow Internet connection. Our developers there suffer to interact with our central Subversion …

svn version-control synchronization
What is the difference between lock and Mutex?

What is the difference between lock and Mutex? Why can't they be used interchangeably?

c# multithreading synchronization