Top "Syncdb" questions

Django Unknown command: 'syncdb'

I'm trying to follow this tutorial but I'm stuck on the 5th step. When I execute [~/Django Projects/netmag$] python …

python django django-syncdb syncdb
Django syncdb and migrate

I'm moving django website from one server to another, and I tried to syncdb, so i've put python …

django django-south syncdb
Django flush vs sqlclear & syncdb

Can anyone tell if there is a difference between > flush # or reset and > sqlclear …

django reset flush django-syncdb syncdb
Django not creating db tables for models (neither with syncdb nor South)

I have a Django project on a Centos VPS. I created some models and debugged them so they validate and …

python django django-south syncdb
Django: update database schema without losing data

What is the best solution if I want to upgrade (alter) my database schema (add new fields to tables by …

django syncdb
How can I perform Django's `syncdb --noinput` with call_command?

>>> from import call_command >>> call_command('syncdb') executes the syncdb management …

django django-admin syncdb