I'm trying to follow this tutorial but I'm stuck on the 5th step.
When I execute
[~/Django Projects/netmag$] python manage.py syncdb
I get the following error message :
Unknown command: 'syncdb'
Type 'manage.py help' for usage.
and here is the output of ./manage.py help
does not contain syncdb
command. How do I add it?
Thanks for any help!
When I run migrate, I get this error :
"Error creating new content types. Please make sure contenttypes " RuntimeError: Error creating new content types. Please make sure contenttypes is migrated before trying to migrate apps individually.
in settings.py :
If I remove 'blog',
from settings.py :
:~/Django Projects/netmag$ python manage.py migrate blog
CommandError: App 'blog' does not have migrations.
:~/Django Projects/netmag$ python manage.py makemigrations blog
App 'blog' could not be found. Is it in INSTALLED_APPS?
command is deprecated in django 1.7. Use the python manage.py migrate