Top "Symbols" questions

can refer to a letter or special character; a primitive data type in many programming languages; an item of the alphabet of a formal language.

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols?

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols? If so then what is it? If not then are we stuck …

python ruby dictionary symbols language-comparisons
Crash dump - WinDbg - force PDB files to match doesn't work?

I have a crash dump for a customer's application built with a very old version of our dll (release build, …

debugging windbg symbols crash-dumps
How can i get currency symbols from currency code in iphone?

I have get currency code (Eg: USD, EUR, INR) from webservice response. I need to show the currency symbols for …

cocoa currency symbols
How to generate a random string with symbols

My code: import random import string random = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits ) for n in range(12)]) …

python symbols generated
Display EURO Symbol in UTF-8 Format

Im wondering how I can display a Euro symbol in UTF-8 Format ? Cheers utf-8 symbols euro
Swift - Replace Character in String

I have variable which contents the symbol or character I don't know how you say on this "\" in english... How …

variables replace character swift symbols
How to create Hash with string keys by default

When I do the following: h = { "a": 123 } Ruby converts the key to a symbol automatically. h[:a] # => 123 h["a"] # =&…

ruby-on-rails ruby string syntax symbols
Practical examples of using symbols in Scala?

Scala has symbols - names that start with a single quote ' and which are a kind of string constants. …

scala symbols
degree symbol in TextView

I want to know how to make a degree symbol for an angle in a Text View (android). There are …

xml symbols degrees
Adding a TM superScript to a string

I need to add the TM(trademark) superscript symbol next to a title in a C# string. is there anyway …

c# string unicode symbols superscript