Top "Symbols" questions

can refer to a letter or special character; a primitive data type in many programming languages; an item of the alphabet of a formal language.

What is the motivation for bringing Symbols to ES6?

UPDATE: Recently a brilliant article from Mozilla came up. Read it if you're curious. As you may know they are …

javascript symbols ecmascript-harmony ecmascript-6
Why use symbols as hash keys in Ruby?

A lot of times people use symbols as keys in a Ruby hash. What's the advantage over using a string? …

ruby string hashmap symbols
How do I echo ASCII art that contains special characters in a batch file?

So.. This is (to me anyway) the most important feature of this program. I need this to work. Please don't …

batch-file cmd escaping symbols ascii-art
readelf-like tool for Mac OS X?

Is there a tool for reading Mac OS X binaries that would print information about relocation tables and symbol offsets …

c macos function symbols
What does the SQL # symbol mean and how is it used?

Can someone please explain to me what the # symbol means in MS SQL Code. I've tried Googling it, and even …

sql-server syntax symbols
duplicate symbols for architectures in Xcode

Here is the error message I receive when compiling ... Ld /Users/ilia3546/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MasterDetail-fhgogwnbpzovbtaskgecptdnvgjs/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/…

objective-c xcode duplicates symbols
Rails load YAML to hash and reference by symbol

I am loading a YAML file in Rails 3.0.9 like this: APP_CONFIG = YAML.load('../…

ruby-on-rails hash yaml symbols
Inserting a degree symbol into python plot

This is a really simple problem but its escaping me. I'm just trying to insert a degree symbol into the …

python matplotlib symbols
Android set degree symbol to Textview

How can I set the degree symbol to a TextView in Android?

java android textview symbols
Symbol to string issue

Following code fails world = :world result = 'hello' + world puts result #=> can't convert Symbol into String Following code works world = :…

ruby string symbols