Top "Swizzling" questions

Swizzling refers to the extraction, rearrangement, and possible duplication of elements of tuple types.

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective-C?

I have heard people state that method swizzling is a dangerous practice. Even the name swizzling suggests that it is …

ios objective-c swizzling
How to implement method swizzling swift 3.0?

How can I implement method swizzling in Swift 3.0 ? I've read nshipster article about it, but in this code's chunk struct …

ios swift xcode swift3 swizzling
Method Swizzle on iPhone device

I tried both JRSwizzle, and MethodSwizzle. They compile fine on the simulator but throw a bunch of errors when I …

iphone objective-c swizzling
Swift function swizzling / runtime

Before Swift, in Objective-C I would swizzle or hook methods in a class using <objc/runtime.h>. If …

runtime swift swizzling
How to swizzle a class method on iOS?

Method swizzling works great for instance methods. Now, I need to swizzle a class method. Any idea how to do …

ios iphone objective-c swizzling
How do I implement method swizzling?

I am trying to modify behaviour of a program (i dont have it's source) using SIMBL. I used class dump …

objective-c cocoa methods swizzling simbl
Advice on how to catch "attempt to insert nil object" from a device needed

Here is a situation: Hockeyapp and testflight every now and then complain about me "attempting to insert nil object" in …

ios objective-c runtime objective-c-category swizzling