Top "Objective-c-category" questions

Category is an Objective-C language feature that allows adding methods to an existing class in a different implementation unit without subclassing.

Add rounded corners to all UIImageViews

I would like to add some rounded corners to all of the UIImageViews in my project. I have already got …

ios subclass code-reuse objective-c-category
Class extension vs class category

Class extensions @interface Class () are a lot more powerful and can inject variables into the class. Categories @interface Class (Category) …

objective-c objective-c-category class-extensions
When to use categories and when to use subclassing?

Can anybody tell me when to use categories and when to use subclassing in Objective-C? Also please tell me the …

objective-c inheritance subclass objective-c-category
When to use Categories Objective-C?

If I have a method to attach an animation to an UI Element, instead of copy/pasting the code for …

ios objective-c oop objective-c-category
Duplicate symbol error when adding NSManagedObject subclass, duplicate link

I was trying to create NSManagedObject subclasses (2 related entities) automatically in Xcode. They are generated like this: However, before I …

ios xcode nsmanagedobject objective-c-category
Advice on how to catch "attempt to insert nil object" from a device needed

Here is a situation: Hockeyapp and testflight every now and then complain about me "attempting to insert nil object" in …

ios objective-c runtime objective-c-category swizzling
Can Objective-C protocols and categories be inherited?

I am little confused about some concepts around Objective-C protocols and categories. Can protocols and categories be inherited by subclasses …

iphone objective-c ios protocols objective-c-category
Implicit conversion of 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char') to 'id' ,objc_setAssociatedObject

I am using an associated reference as storage for a property of my category header file contains : @interface UIImageView (Spinning) @…

ios objective-c objective-c-category
Category Conflict: instance method in category from conflicts with same method from another category

There are two situations, that I am aware of, that cause the following errors: ld: warning: instance method 'resetAudioSystem' in …

ios objective-c xcode objective-c-category opentok
Can Java do something like category in Objective C?

Consider following situation: Object > MyClass > MyClassA, MyClassB If I want something in the Object level, for example, I …

java objective-c-category