In computer programming, a switch, case, select or inspect statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to invoke specific blocks of code based on variable contents.
This question in mainly pointed at C/C++, but I guess other languages are relevant as well. I can't understand …
c++ c switch-statement conditional-statementsPossible Duplicate: When converting a project to use ARC what does “switch case is in protected scope” mean? Got the …
objective-c switch-statementI found a link to have a 'switch' tag in Django templates, but I was wondering if this can be …
django django-templates switch-statement caseI'm using a PHP switch to include certain files based on the incoming keywords passed in a parameter of the …
php string switch-statement url-parameters php-includeIn Swift, how can I write a case in a switch statement that tests the value being switched against the …
swift enums switch-statement optionalhow do i switch on an enum which have the flags attribute set (or more precisely is used for bit …
c# enums switch-statement flags bitswitch(ch){ case 'a': //do something, condition does not match so go to default case //don't break in here, and …
c switch-statement breakI am working on a rock paper scissors program, but this time the computer chooses rock half the time, scissors …
c++ switch-statement dev-c++When I create a switch statement in VS2008 C# like this (contrived): switch (state) { case '1': state = '2'; …
c# switch-statement breakI saw a few answers to this issue, and I get it — you can't declare and assign variables inside a …
objective-c c variables switch-statement declaration