Top "Php-include" questions

PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used, high-level, dynamic, object-oriented, and interpreted scripting language primarily designed for server-side web development.

How to use a PHP switch statement to check if a string contains a word (but can also contain others)?

I'm using a PHP switch to include certain files based on the incoming keywords passed in a parameter of the …

php string switch-statement url-parameters php-include
how to exclude a file after including it in php?

After we add a file inside Myfile.php with: require_once 'abc.php'; or include_once 'abc.php'; How we …

php require-once php-include
Php Error - Unexpected require_once expecting function

I'm currently trying to fetch the medoo framework so that I can begin easily retrieving data from my MySQL database... …

php php-include medoo