Top "Switch-statement" questions

In computer programming, a switch, case, select or inspect statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to invoke specific blocks of code based on variable contents.

Why is default required for a switch on an enum?

Normally, default is not necessary in a switch statement. However, in the following situation the code successfully compiles only when …

java enums default switch-statement
c++ warning: enumeration value not handled in switch [-Wswitch]

I am trying to compile following code without warnings: while (window.pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: …

c++ switch-statement warnings compiler-warnings
Break for loop from inside of switch case in Javascript

What command I must use, to get out of the for loop, also from //code inside jump direct to //code …

javascript for-loop switch-statement continue
List of 'if' switches anywhere?

Is there a list of all the if switches for use in bash scripting? Sometimes I see someone using it …

bash if-statement switch-statement shell-exec
Is it possible to use .contains() in a switch statement?

This is just a simple example of what I'm trying to do: switch (window.location.href.contains('')) { case "google": …

javascript switch-statement contains
use relational operators in switch

Is there a way to use relational operators (<,<=,>,>=) in a switch statement? int score = 95; switch(score) { …

java operators switch-statement relational
repeat do while loop if switch statement reaches default

I have a do while loop asking for user input. Inside this do while loop I have a switch statement. …

c++ switch-statement do-while
How will a C# switch statement's default label handle a nullable enum?

How will a C# switch statement's default label handle a nullable enum? Will the default label catch nulls and any …

c# null switch-statement nullable
Does Java 7 switch statement with String use equals() method?

Java 7 supports switching with Strings like the code below switch (month.toLowerCase()) { case "january": monthNumber = 1; break; case "february": monthNumber = 2; break; …

java string switch-statement equals
Is it possible to use goto with switch?

It seems it's possible with C#, but I need that with C++ and preferably cross platform. Basically, I have a …

c++ switch-statement goto