For questions about List - a component in Apple's SwiftUI framework that presents rows of data arranged in a single column.
I am new to SwiftUI (like most people) and trying to figure out how to remove some whitespace above a …
ios swift swiftui-list swiftuiÍm trying to refresh this List whenever I click on a NavLink NavigationView { List(feed.items.indices, id:\.self) { i …
swiftui swiftui-listI have some troubles with dynamically changing List height that dependent on elements count. I tried this solution but it …
swiftui swiftui-listI would like to have a numbered list, where every row has a number. Something like this but I don't …
swift swiftui swiftui-listMy problem is that i have (in SwiftUI) a ScrollView with an foreach inside. Know when the foreach loads all …
foreach scroll scrollview swiftui swiftui-listI am trying on setting a view background color to black with the following code struct RuleList: View {[![enter image …
swiftui ios13 xcode11 swiftui-listI want to make my List inside a ScrollView so that I can scroll List rows and headers together. But …
ios swift swiftui-list swiftuiI am using a List to dynamically create multiple instances of a view, however, when using list padding is added …
swift swiftui swiftui-listThe default colour of a list row when tapped is grey. I know how to change background colour using .listRowBackground, …
swiftui swiftui-list