In Xcode UI testing, how do I test that staticTexts contains a string?
In the debugger, I can run something like this to print out all the content of staticTexts: po app.staticTexts
. But how do I test if a string exists anywhere within all of that content?
I can check for the existence of each staticText doing something like app.staticTexts["the content of the staticText"].exists
? but I have to use the exact content of that staticText. How can I use only a string which may be only a part of that content?
You can use NSPredicate
to filter elements.
let searchText = "the content of the staticText"
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "label CONTAINS[c] %@", searchText)
let elementQuery = app.staticTexts.containing(predicate)
if elementQuery.count > 0 {
// the element exists
you specify that the search is case insensitive.
Have a look at Apples Predicate Programming Guide