Top "Swagger-codegen" questions

Swagger Code Generator allows the generation of API client libraries, server stubs and documentation by an (Swagger) OpenAPI specification.

Does anyone use Swagger Codegen or OpenAPI Generator SDKs in Production?

Swagger Code Generator can generate SDKs in many languages (listed below from the Github project page). Does anyone use any …

sdk swagger auto-generate swagger-codegen openapi-generator
How to define enum values in array or enum as key in map property?

I am using swagger-codegen-maven-plugin (2.2.1) to generate java and typescript code class files from YML configuration. I have two questions. How …

rest api yaml swagger-2.0 swagger-codegen
Swagger-Codegen custom settings

I am using swagger-codegen to generate my client-side C# classes. It does the job, but there are a few things …

c# swagger-codegen
Swagger Codegen use existing class

How can I get the swagger codegen to use an existing class instead of creating a new class? Is this …

Swagger parameters in query and/or body

Our API has such endpoints that support parameters both from the query and from the body at the same time, …

swagger swagger-codegen
How to use Swagger Codegen TypeScript Fetch Client

Has anyone successfully used the Swagger Code Generator to create a TypeScript Fetch client that can be used within the …

typescript npm swagger swagger-codegen openapi
Swagger Codegen CLI Java Client - How to use it right

I'm currently playing around with my jersey2 rest service. For a better overview of the given service (description, types and …

java rest swagger swagger-2.0 swagger-codegen
what does Swagger server stub mean?

I am new to Swagger, and I ran into the term Server Stub. I do not understand what does that …

api swagger swagger-codegen
Swagger Codegen, Maven Plugin: Restrict Server Generation

I want to generate JAX-RS server stubs for my API using the swagger-codegen maven plugin, but I want to use …

java maven jax-rs swagger swagger-codegen
How to document dynamic query parameter names in OpenAPI (Swagger)?

Is there any way to document the following query? GET api/v1/users?name1=value1&name2=value where the …

swagger swagger-editor swagger-codegen openapi