I am using swagger-codegen
to generate my client-side C# classes. It does the job, but there are a few things I'd like to customize:
1) Most importantly, how I tell it which namespace, or perhaps base namespace, to use? Right now all of the genned classes have IO.Swagger.Model
namespace, how do I change that?
2) All of my generated models start with I... as in ICustomer... is there any way to autostrip that first I if the class name starts with 2 caps, and the first letter is an I?
3) If 2 can be done, is there a way to have it append a : IWhatever
? So if it's trying to gen ICustomer
, I'd like to see:
public class Customer : ICustomer
Can this be done?
4) For my last question, I am using this command-line:
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate
-i http://localhost:57772/MyService/swagger/v1/swagger.json
-l csharp -o C:/Code/AutoGenned/MyService
The problem is that it adds this to the path: src\main\csharp\IO\Swagger
Is there a way for me to not have this added to the path?
5) Finally, and least importantly, it gens 4 folders: Api
, Client
, Model
, and Properties
. Is there a way to only gen the Client
and the Model
Based on getting a response from swagger-codegen
team and trying stuff out on my own:
1) To fix the namespace, I had to create a config.json
file that has basically this:
"packageName": "My.Namespace.Whatever"
now my run command is
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate
-i http://localhost:57772/MyService/swagger/v1/swagger.json
-l csharp -o C:/Code/AutoGenned/MyService
-c config.json
2) Can't replace, but I can prepend... so instead of having a class named ICustomer
I decided that ApiICustomer
made more sense... so to the above command, I added
--model-name-prefix Api
3) Still not sure if/how this is possible.
4) Looks like a new change is coming down the pipe that will change how this works. https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/issues/2837
5) Based on the info here: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen#selective-generation You can do it by adding java
system properties, like this java -Dwhateverproperty
. So the end result, not including any fix for #3 is:
java -Dmodels -DsupportingFiles -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate
-i http://localhost:57772/MyService/swagger/v1/swagger.json
-l csharp -o C:/Code/AutoGenned/MyService
-c C:/Code/SwaggerCodeGen/config.json
--model-name-prefix Api