Top "Swagger-codegen" questions

Swagger Code Generator allows the generation of API client libraries, server stubs and documentation by an (Swagger) OpenAPI specification.

Customize generated model names - Swagger UI

I'm trying to adjust the "displayName" of the model being used in an automatically generated Swagger definition. This will only …

c# swagger swagger-ui swashbuckle swagger-codegen
cleanest way to glue generated Flask app code (Swagger-Codegen) to backend implementation

I have: a library that does [Stuff] a swagger API definition, which is roughly #1 with minor differences to map cleanly …

python rest flask swagger swagger-codegen
How do I swagger generate Kotlin?

I'm trying to generate kotlin code from a swagger json file, and I can't figure out the command-line parameters that …

kotlin intellij-plugin swagger-codegen
Swagger 3.0.0 codegen failed java.lang.RuntimeException: missing swagger input or config

I am specifying my APIs using swagger I was using 2.0 now there is new version 3.0.0 according to the documentation I …

swagger swagger-codegen openapi