Top "Svm" questions

Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for classification and regression analysis.

Why feature scaling in SVM?

I found that scaling in SVM (Support Vector Machine) problems really improve its performance... I have read this explanation: "The …

machine-learning svm scaling
How can i know probability of class predicted by predict() function in Support Vector Machine?

How can i know sample's probability that it belongs to a class predicted by predict() function of Scikit-Learn in Support …

svm scikit-learn
How to split data on balanced training set and test set on sklearn

I am using sklearn for multi-classification task. I need to split alldata into train_set and test_set. I want …

machine-learning scikit-learn svm cross-validation
Full example of multiple-class SVM with cross-validation using Matlab

I am currently confusing about implementing SVM with cross-validation using Matlab now. There are many post on stackoverflow that mentioned …

matlab svm
SVM - hard or soft margins?

Given a linearly separable dataset, is it necessarily better to use a a hard margin SVM over a soft-margin SVM?

algorithm machine-learning svm
How to interpret scikit's learn confusion matrix and classification report?

I have a sentiment analysis task, for this Im using this corpus the opinions have 5 classes (very neg, neg, neu, …

machine-learning nlp scikit-learn svm confusion-matrix
SVM classifier based on HOG features for "object detection" in OpenCV

I have a project, which I want to detect objects in the images; my aim is to use HOG features. …

c++ opencv svm object-recognition training-data
Python : How to find Accuracy Result in SVM Text Classifier Algorithm for Multilabel Class

I have used following set of code: And I need to check accuracy of X_train and X_test The …

python machine-learning svm scikit-learn svc
How do I plot a classification graph of a SVM in R

I have an SVM in R and I would now like to plot the classification space for this machine. I …

r graph machine-learning svm
SVM with cross validation in R using caret

I was told to use the caret package in order to perform Support Vector Machine regression with 10 fold cross validation …

r svm r-caret