Top "Svm" questions

Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for classification and regression analysis.

Support Vector Machine for Java?

I'd like to write a "smart monitor" in Java that sends out an alert any time it detects oncoming performance …

java machine-learning artificial-intelligence svm mahout
Opencv 3 SVM training

As you may know, many things changed in OpenCV 3 (in comparision to the openCV2 or the old first version). In …

c++ opencv machine-learning svm opencv3.0
sklearn SVM fit() "ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence"

I am using sklearn to apply svm on my own set of images. The images are put in a data …

python numpy multidimensional-array svm sklearn-pandas
Retraining after Cross Validation with libsvm

I know that Cross validation is used for selecting good parameters. After finding them, i need to re-train the whole …

matlab machine-learning classification svm libsvm
Plotting data from an svm fit - hyperplane

I used svm to find a hyperplane best fit regression dependent on q, where I have 4 dimensions: x, y, z, …

r svm
Know any good c++ support vector machine (SVM) libraries?

Do you know of any good c++ svm libraries out there I tried libsvm…

c++ machine-learning classification svm libsvm
How to perform multi-class classification using 'svm' of e1071 package in R

I want to perform multi-class classification using the svm function of e1071 package. But from what I came to know …

r classification svm libsvm
What is a good range of values for the svm.SVC() hyperparameters to be explored via GridSearchCV()?

I am running into the problem that the hyperparameters of my svm.SVC() are too wide such that the GridSearchCV() …

machine-learning scikit-learn svm hyperparameters
Functionality of probability=TRUE in svm function of e1071 package in R

In R, what is the functionality of probability=TRUE in the svm function of the e1071 package? model <- …

r svm
When should one use LinearSVC or SVC?

From my research, I found three conflicting results: SVC(kernel="linear") is better LinearSVC is better Doesn't matter Can someone …

machine-learning scikit-learn svm