Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for classification and regression analysis.
I want to apply Gabor filter for feature extraction from image then on the trained data I will be applying …
python image image-processing svm gabor-filterI am new to the libsvm and sorry for some silly questions. I am trying to run but …
windows svm libsvmIn a particular application I was in need of machine learning (I know the things I studied in my undergraduate …
machine-learning libsvm svmI am trying to use SKLearn to run an SVM model. I am just trying it out now with some …
python scikit-learn svmI know that in MatLab this is really easy ('-v 10'). But I need to do it in R. I …
r machine-learning svm libsvm cross-validationI have tried many examples with F1 micro and Accuracy in scikit-learn and in all of them, I see that …
machine-learning scikit-learn svmI have scraped a lot of ebay titles like this one: Apple iPhone 5 White 16GB Dual-Core and I have manually …
python machine-learning svm libsvmI am working on binary classification of data and I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of using Support …
machine-learning classification svm decision-tree adaboostI am learning cross validation-grid search and came across this youtube playlist and the tutorial also has been uploaded to …
python scikit-learn svmScikit-learn has fairly user-friendly python modules for machine learning. I am trying to train an SVM tagger for Natural Language …
python nlp svm scikit-learn pos-tagger