Survival analysis is the statistics of censored time to event data, to which standard regression and classification techniques generally do not apply, due to the uncertain group memberships of the observations.
I'm trying to run a survival analysis in R using the survival package. I have right-censored data only (time to …
r survival-analysisI am new to survival analysis and survfit in R. I want to extract survival probabilities for 4 groups (diseases) at …
r survival-analysisI have a modeled a problem using Cox's regression and now want to predict the estimated survival time for an …
r survival-analysis cox-regressionI am working on Telecom Churn problem and here is my dataset.…
r sas logistic-regression survival-analysis cox-regressionHi I am totally new to R. This is my first attempt at it. I am producing a survival plot …
r plot legend survival-analysisI'm using the survival library. After computing the Kaplan-Meier estimator of a survival function: km = survfit(Surv(time, flag) ~ 1) I …
r survival-analysisI'm attempting to use the "rpart" package in R to build a survival tree, and I'm hoping to use this …
r tree survival-analysis rpartI have a Cox proportional hazards model set up using the following code in R that predicts mortality. Covariates A, …
r plot survival-analysis cox-regressionI have data called veteran stored in R. I created a survival model and now wish to predict survival probability …
r probability prediction survival-analysisI'm attempting to model customer lifetimes on subscriptions. As the data is censored I'll be using R's survival package to …
r survival-analysis