Top "Substitution" questions

The action of replacing something with another thing.

How to get name of variable in R (substitute)?

I stacked with trying to pass variable through few functions, and on the final function I want to get the …

r variables substitution
string variable not substituted in multi-line string

Here is the code/output all in one: PS C:\code\misc> cat .\test.ps1; echo ----; .\test.ps1 $…

string powershell concatenation multiline substitution
Substitution with sed + bash function

my question seems to be general, but i can't find any answers. In sed command, how can you replace the …

bash sed substitution
awk substitute shell variables

I am struggling with awk substitution, for some reason the following code does not substitute anything, it just prints the …

bash variables awk substitution
Inline regex replacement in perl

Is there a way to replace text with a regex inline, rather than taking the text from a variable and …

regex perl substitution
sed error "Invalid range end"

I run this substitution command on Ubuntu 12.04. $ sed -e "s/([a-zA-Z0-9.-/\\ :]+)/\1/g" However, the following error is raised. …

regex ubuntu sed substitution
VIM, Run a command on multiple files

I have a bunch of sass files and my designer used the wrong syntax. I wanted :margin-top 1px but he …

vim batch-file substitution
Substitute with contents of register or lines range from elsewhere in file in Vim

I'm using Vim, and I want to substitute some placeholder text with a long string, that spans several lines, which …

replace vim substitution
Perl qr// and substitution

I'm writing a tiny program that takes user input using Getops, and based on it, the program will either try …

regex perl substitution qr-operator
How to repeat a command with substitution in Vim?

In Unix the ^ allows you to repeat a command with some text substituted for new text. For example: csh% grep "…

vim history repeat substitution