Top "Substitution" questions

The action of replacing something with another thing.

Maven: property substitution not done for /project/version tag of pom? says property "values are accessible anywhere within a POM". Should this read "are …

maven-2 properties substitution pom.xml
How to Put Newline Characters in Substitutions of Regular Expressions of GVim

I use GVim on Windows 7. I want to learn how to put newline characters by using regex substitutions. To do …

regex vim newline substitution
Formula to eliminate all but alpha characters

I need to scrub a column of names in Excel to eliminate all non-Alpha characters including periods, commas, spaces, hyphens …

excel excel-formula substitution excel-udf vba
How to split text into multiple lines based on a pattern using Vim?

Suppose you have this text: name1 = "John"; age1 = 41; name2 = "Jane"; age2 = 32; name3 = "Mike"; age3 = 36; ... and you want to split each …

vim newline vi line-breaks substitution
How do I perform multiple replacements with Perl?

I have Perl code: my $s = "The+quick+brown+fox+jumps+over+the+lazy+dog+that+is+my+dog"; I …

regex perl substitution
Iterating through array in SendGrid email template

I'm trying to iterate through a collection and display information in a SendGrid template using Ruby on Rails. recipient = SendGrid::…

api email substitution sendgrid transactional-email
Substitute the n-th occurrence of a word in vim

I saw other questions dealing with the finding the n-th occurrence of a word/pattern, but I couldn't find how …

regex vim sed substitution
How to substitute text from files in git history?

I've always used an interface based git client (smartGit) and thus don't have much experience with the git console. However, …

git substitution git-filter-branch git-rewrite-history bfg-repo-cleaner
Adding Line Break After pattern in VIM

I have a css file and I want to add an empty line after every }. How can I do this …

regex vim replace vi substitution
How to make sed remove lines not matched by a substitution

I basically want to do this: cat file | grep '<expression>' | sed 's/<expression>/<…

regex sed substitution