Top "Subsonic" questions

SubSonic is A Super High-fidelity Batman Utility Belt that works up your Data Access (using Linq in 3.0), throws in some much-needed utility functions, and generally speeds along your dev cycle.

A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type 'SubSonic.Schema .DatabaseColumn'.

I am trying to do a simple JSON return but I am having issues I have the following below. public …

c# .net json entity-framework subsonic
jQuery Autocomplete and ASP.NET

I searched all over this site and the web for a good and simple example of autocomplete using jQuery and … jquery subsonic autocomplete
Could not find server 'dbo' in sys.servers

I have a lot of services which query the database. All of them work fine but one service calling a …

sql-server-2008 stored-procedures subsonic
How to tell if user has modified data using bindingsource?

I have a DataGridView bound to a bindingsource which is bound to a List<T>. The user clicks …

c# winforms data-binding subsonic
WCF service Exception:The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter …

c# wcf subsonic
Subsonic Vs NHibernate

What is the concensus on when to use one of these tools adversed to the other? I find Subsonic very …

.net nhibernate orm subsonic
How Do I Load an Assembly and All of its Dependencies at Runtime in C# for Reflection?

I'm writing a utility for myself, partly as an exercise in learning C# Reflection and partly because I actually want …

c# .net reflection subsonic

The error I'm getting seems to be coming out of the file. I'm using the Northwind db and …

subsonic subsonic3 t4
Cannot serialize member 'XXX' of type System.Nullable`1[System.Decimal]. XmlAttribute/XmlText cannot be used to encode complex types

I'm getting the following error when using a web service: Cannot serialize member 'XXX' of type System.Nullable`1[System.Decimal]. …

c# web-services subsonic
Problem about SQLite's integer and int datatype

I meet a problem about: Object of type 'System.Int64' cannot be converted to type 'System.Int32' when …

c# sqlite subsonic subsonic3