Top "Sublimetext2" questions


.m files as MATLAB/Octave for Sublime Text

Sublime sees .m files as Objective C files. I've been given a bunch of MATLAB/Octave files to work with …

matlab octave sublimetext2 sublimetext
opening sublime text from windows git bash

How do I open Sublime text from Git Bash in Windows? I tried adding the alias at the ~/.bashrc file …

git windows-7 sublimetext2 git-bash
is there a way to highlight all the special accent characters in sublime text or any other text editor?

I a using the the HTML encode special characters in Sublime text to convert all the special character into their …

encoding sublimetext2 html-encode htmlspecialchars
How to save/restore Sublime Text 2 configs/plugins to migrate to another computer?

I need to migrate from one Mac to another, and want Sublime Text 2 on a new computer to have all …

macos backup restore sublimetext2
Twig syntax highlighting sublime text

I want to know how can I have highlighting syntax for TWIG in Sublime Text. Actually when I open a …

sublimetext2 twig syntax-highlighting
Exporting Sublime Text configuration and installed packages

I have spent considerable time to tune up Sublime Text 2 configs. Now I would want to share my configurations (one …

sublimetext2 sublimetext
ERROR: delete on table violates foreign key constraint. Key id is still referenced from table (many)

I'm working with Rails and PostgreSQL and have a basic one-to-many relationship going on, one Auction has many Bids. However …

ruby-on-rails postgresql sublimetext2 better-errors-gem
RegEx in Sublime Text: Match any character, including newlines?

Is there a way to match any character in Sublime Text, including newlines? I saw that Sublime uses Boost's syntax …

regex sublimetext2
Horizontal list to vertical list and vice versa - Sublime Text 2

I can't remember where I saw it or read it, but appearantly there is a shortcut for transforming a horizontal …

list keyboard-shortcuts sublimetext2 horizontallist vertical-text
Which is the best PHP beautifier extension for Sublime Text?

I have been working in Sublime Text for the last three months. I've found the extensions HTML Beautifier, JS and …

php sublimetext2 sublimetext sublime-text-plugin