Sublime Text is a text and source code editor for Linux, OS X and Windows.
What is the current status of Sublime 2 integration for Haskell? I see two possible packages so far. A plugin for …
haskell ghc sublimetext sublimetext2im having some problems and my new Ubuntu 12.04 64 installation. I have installed sublime text, i got both, 2/3 and both are …
python ubuntu sublimetext pyv8I'm looking for some command-line tools for Linux that can help me detect and convert files from character sets like …
unix command-line character-encoding sublimetext line-endingsI've got this class as an example: Which plugin do I use to be able to click on: PHPUnit_Framework_…
sublimetext3 sublimetext sublime-text-pluginI've been digging into Sublime's snippets, plugins and macros, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm …
css less sublimetext2 sublimetext sublimetext3I need to select some lines inside of a list of file names to bring them at the end of …
expression sublimetext2 selection sublimetext textselectionHow do I receive text from stdin into sublimetext editor? With vim it works like this: echo "potato potato potato" | …
linux bash pipe stdin sublimetextI'm implementing a program on my Linux virtual server. For that I use WinSCP and PuTTY. Should I install my …
terminal editor sublimetext putty winscpI have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. Now I have set up my ENV to sync with the …
synchronization sublimetext3 settings sublimetext package-managersI'm developing html/css in Sublime. I'm writing my css with sass and using Sublime's build system to generate the …
css sass sftp sublimetext build-system