How do I receive text from stdin into sublimetext editor? With vim it works like this:
echo "potato potato potato" | vim -
The same thing works with gedit, creating a new document with the contents.
Sublimetext seems to just start editing a file called "-" in a new tab, is there some other shell trick which could work?
The simplest solution if your sublime installation doesn't support opening STDIN (e.g. current version on Linux) is to dump the output to a temporary file, open the file in sublime, and then delete the file. I created a script called tosubl
in my bin directory as follows:
TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} # default to /tmp if TMPDIR isn't set
F=$(mktemp $TMPDIR/tosubl-XXXXXXXX)
cat >| $F # use >| instead of > if you set noclobber in bash
subl $F
sleep .3 # give subl a little time to open the file
rm -f $F # file will be deleted as soon as subl closes it
Then you can use it by doing something like this:
$ ifconfig | tosubl