Top "Subclass" questions

A subclass is a class that derives or inherits from a parent (or super) class.

Swift + CoreData: Cannot Automatically Set Optional Attribute On Generated NSManagedObject Subclass

I have a coredata entity named Record and has a property dateUpdated. I noticed that the generated NSManagedObject subclass has …

ios swift subclass nsmanagedobject
Subclassing dict: should dict.__init__() be called?

Here is a twofold question, with a theoretical part, and a practical one: When subclassing dict: class ImageDB(dict): def __…

python subclass dictionary init
How to subclass UIScrollView and make the delegate property private

Here is what I want to achieve: I want to subclass an UIScrollView to have additional functionality. This subclass should …

objective-c ios delegates uiscrollview subclass
Java: Subclassing a genericised class

I have a genericised class that I wish to subclass as follows: public class SomeTable<T extends BaseTableEntry> …

java generics subclass java.lang.class
Issue with a UITapGestureRecognizer

I have a main viewController, it is called WelcomeViewController. I have a UIView subclass and that has some view related …

iphone subclass uigesturerecognizer uitapgesturerecognizer
Call subclass's method from its superclass

I have two classes, named Parent and Child, as below. Parent is the superclass of Child I can call a …

objective-c inheritance subclass superclass
When to use categories and when to use subclassing?

Can anybody tell me when to use categories and when to use subclassing in Objective-C? Also please tell me the …

objective-c inheritance subclass objective-c-category
python subclasses

I currently have a class called Polynomial, The initialization looks like this: def __init__(self, *termpairs): self.termdict = dict(termpairs) …

python inheritance subclass quadratic
Qt signals & inheritance question

I am relatively new to programming with Qt and had a question. Short version: How do I inherit signals defined …

qt inheritance subclass signals-slots
Subclassing int in Python

I'm interested in subclassing the built-in int type in Python (I'm using v. 2.5), but having some trouble getting the initialization …

python inheritance subclass python-2.5