Top "Styles" questions


How to set default WPF Window Style in app.xaml?

I am trying to set the default Style for every window in my WPF Windows application in my app.xaml. …

wpf c#-3.0 themes styles
WPF DataGrid selected row style

I'm stuck with one very stupid problem - need to style selected row in WPF DataGrid. I want to show …

wpf datagrid styles
Is it sometimes bad to use <BR />?

Is it sometimes bad to use <BR/> tags? I ask because some of the first advice my development …

html tags styles
Style a text field in JasperReports

I know how to apply inline style to Static Text in JasperReports. Can the same be done for Text Elements (…

styles jasper-reports ireport
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget

I'm trying to change the drawable that sits in the Android actionbar searchview widget. Currently it looks like this: but …

android styles android-actionbar searchview background-drawable
Change the color and font of text in Shiny App

I am using below code in server.R to display the text in the main panel. This is working exactly …

r fonts styles shiny
Switching CSS classes based on screen size

CSS newby here... I'm looking at a responsive framework and imagining how I would accomplish different tasks. Based on the …

css styles breakpoints
What is difference between width, innerWidth and outerWidth, height, innerHeight and outerHeight in jQuery

I wrote some example to see what is the difference, but they display me same results for width and height. &…

javascript jquery css dom styles
Android - Change app Theme on onClick

i know there is a way to change the app default theme on button click. Blackmart developers have done it. …

java android xml styles themes
Not targeting the latest versions of Android

I have a warning when trying to test theme on latest Android SDK Package 4.2. Here is my manifest file: <?…

android styles themes warnings manifest