Top "Styles" questions


Android button select and press drawable

I'm trying to make a button with state press and select, I already did the same with tabs and it …

android button styles android-drawable xml-drawable
Div with external stylesheet?

I have been given an external stylesheet (.css file) that may not altered in any way whatsoever. However I need …

css html styles innerhtml
SCSS/SASS: How to dynamically generate a list of classes with commas separating them

I'm working with the SCSS syntax of SASS to create a dynamic grid system but I've hit a snag. I'm …

css sass styles stylesheet grid-system
Can you define multiple TargetTypes for one XAML style?

In HTML/CSS you can define a style which can be applied to many types of elements, e.g.: .highlight { …

wpf xaml styles
Finding all available styles defined by android platform themes

In several android styling tutorials parent style elements are used that i can not find in the* …

android themes styles
Declaring Text Decorations such as Underline, Strikethrough in a Style

How do I include text decorations such as Underline, Strikethrough etc in a Style definition: <Style x:Key="UnderlinedLabel"&…

wpf xaml text styles
Remove Highlight Effect from ListViewItem

In a ListView there are ListviewItems where they must not change appearance when the mouse is over them or they …

.net wpf xaml styles itemcontainerstyle
How to set a WPF ListView Selected Item color?

I am trying to recreate the Mail UI from Windows 8 in a WPF application running on Windows 7. Here's what I …

wpf listview styles background-color listviewitem
CSS Parent/Ancestor Selector

Possible Duplicate: Is there a CSS parent selector? I know this is a shot in the dark, but is there …

css xhtml styles styling
Html emails <hr/> styling issue

I have a problem with e-mail clients reverting my styled <hr/> to one with just a solid line. …

html email outlook styles