Top "Struts-config" questions

Use this question for struts-config related questions.

org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage cannot be cast to org.apache.struts.action.ActionError

I am working on struts1.2 application. I created a formbean extending validatorform, then override the method validate(). then when I …

java struts struts-config
What is the default package name for Struts in struts.xml?

I created a new class called RegesterAction but I didn't keep this class in any package. How can I configure …

java configuration struts2 package struts-config
Confusing about Global forward and Action mapping

for example <global-forwards> <forward name="welcome" path="/"/> </global-forwards> <action-mappings> <…

struts struts-1 struts-config
What is the difference between DynaActionForm and ActionForm?

What is the difference between DynaActionForm and ActionForm ? Someone said DynaActionForm is not really dynamic since you still have to …

java struts struts-config actionform
The content of element type “struts-config” must match “(datasource?,form-beans?

I wrote a small struts application with a login page and registration page. If I login I get a success …

java eclipse struts dtd struts-config
Avoid Return "input" Automatically in Struts

There is no problem when the action configuration in struts.xml is like this: <action name="customer-form"> <…

struts2 struts-config struts-validation
Struts2 .action extension causing CSS, JavaScript and Struts Dojo to break

We have been running on Struts 2.1.8 for some time and all Struts actions have been working as expected, i.e. …

struts2 dojo jsp-tags struts-config action-mapping