Use this question for struts-config related questions.
I am working on struts1.2 application. I created a formbean extending validatorform, then override the method validate(). then when I …
java struts struts-configI created a new class called RegesterAction but I didn't keep this class in any package. How can I configure …
java configuration struts2 package struts-configfor example <global-forwards> <forward name="welcome" path="/"/> </global-forwards> <action-mappings> <…
struts struts-1 struts-configWhat is the difference between DynaActionForm and ActionForm ? Someone said DynaActionForm is not really dynamic since you still have to …
java struts struts-config actionformI wrote a small struts application with a login page and registration page. If I login I get a success …
java eclipse struts dtd struts-configThere is no problem when the action configuration in struts.xml is like this: <action name="customer-form"> <…
struts2 struts-config struts-validationWe have been running on Struts 2.1.8 for some time and all Struts actions have been working as expected, i.e. …
struts2 dojo jsp-tags struts-config action-mapping