Top "Strong-parameters" questions

Strong Parameters requires whitelisting of Action Controller parameters by default.

Nested strong parameters in rails - AssociationTypeMismatch MYMODEL expected, got ActionController::Parameters()

I'm rendering a model and it's children Books in JSON like so: {"id":2,"complete":false,"private":false, "books" [{ "id":2,"name":"…

json ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters
Strong parameters for nested attributes returns "unpermitted parameters" when empty array

Assuming a User model using Rails4 with strong_parameters. class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_secure_password accepts_nested_attributes_…

ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters
rails strong parameter not accepting array of hashes

I have a group controller which accepts array of hashes as parameter for POST request for create action def create …

arrays parameters strong-parameters
Rails 4 + Devise Login with email or username and strong parameters

I'm new to RoR and stuck with this devise problem. I want to allow users to sign in with email …

ruby-on-rails devise ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters
Strong Parameters in Rails 3.2.8

This video states that it is possible to protect the input coming in via the controller yet still be able …

ruby-on-rails strong-parameters
Paperclip in Rails 4 - Strong Parameters Forbidden Attributes Error

Having a problem with a Paperclip upload in Rails 4 - failing on ForbiddenAttributesError (strong parameters validation). Have the latest paperclip …

paperclip ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters paperclip-validation
How to use strong parameters with an objects array in Rails

When using Rails 4.0 strong parameters, how do I permit JSON like this? { "user": { "first_name":"Jello" }, "users_to_employer":[ { "start_…

ruby-on-rails ruby strong-parameters
Rails 4 and Devise - User registration via JSON API

I'm attempting to register a devise user via JSON but keep getting an ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError class Api::V1::RegistrationsController < …

devise ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters
Rails: Merging a nested attribute with strong_params

In Rails 4, it's possible to merge extra parameters with user generated ones like so: params.require(:post).permit([:title, :body]).…

ruby-on-rails merge strong-parameters
How to use Rails Action Controller Nested Params to Permit a Specific Attributes Hash

There are a lot of questions about Nested Parameters, but I can't seem to find one that addresses my specific, …

ruby-on-rails hash strong-parameters actioncontroller