Top "Paperclip-validation" questions

ImageMagick installation in Docker Alpine

So I have this Dockerfile that attempts to install ImageMagick the following way: FROM ruby:2.4-alpine ... RUN apk --update add …

docker imagemagick paperclip alpine paperclip-validation
Validate extension in Paperclip - Ruby on Rails

I've found that Paperclip can validate file content type, i.e. image/jpeg, but I want to specifically validate the …

ruby-on-rails paperclip paperclip-validation
Paperclip in Rails 4 - Strong Parameters Forbidden Attributes Error

Having a problem with a Paperclip upload in Rails 4 - failing on ForbiddenAttributesError (strong parameters validation). Have the latest paperclip …

paperclip ruby-on-rails-4 strong-parameters paperclip-validation
paperclip content type for xls and xlsx

struggling with paperclip content type, need to upload xls/xlsx file. has_attached_file :sheet validates_attachment_content_type :sheet, …

excel ruby-on-rails-4 paperclip paperclip-validation
Why some of the MP4 file's mime-type are application/octet-stream instead of video/mp4?

Why some of the MP4 file's mime-type are application/octet-stream instead of video/mp4? I've checked with file command in …

ruby-on-rails video paperclip-validation