Stripe-payments refers to the libraries and API produced by the "Stripe" company for payment processing.
Update: Since around January 2018, it is now possible to search using the email parameter on Stripe. See the accepted answer. …
stripe-paymentsI have a need to add a card to a pre-existing customer. Here's what I did: 1. obtain token from user …
stripe-paymentsWhen using Stripe in live mode I get this PHP error: No such token tok_fgfhn.. a similar object exists …
php stripe-payments credit-cardI am trying to create a really simple example of using Stripe payments. This is my PHP file: I followed …
javascript runtime-error stripe-paymentsI keep receiving error code 400 on my stripe dashboard. It seems like im using the same stripe token more than …
javascript php stripe-paymentsI am newbie in the field of Magnetic-Stripe cards. But if I don't have any idea about the structure of …
stripe-payments credit-card magnetic-cards credit-card-track-dataIn some forms, Chrome autofill prompts with Credit card autofill. EDIT:Adding screenshot. This is not the same as browser …
forms google-chrome stripe-paymentsI am creating a payment gateway using Stripe. I want to set my localhost url localhost/stripe/webhook.php as …
php stripe-payments webhooksI am using Stripe in my app. I want to write an integration test for placing a payment that checks …
php stripe-paymentsHow can i add custom fields to Stripe Checkout form such as First Name, Last Name and maybe even a …
javascript html stripe-payments