Stripe-payments refers to the libraries and API produced by the "Stripe" company for payment processing.
I am using Stripe Checkout for credit card charging. But I don't see billing address in the popup window. How …
stripe-paymentsI'm using Stripe's checkout.js because it's so easy to setup and use. Is there a way to add coupons? &…
stripe-paymentsI have two different payment gateway (stripe and bank transfer) in Woocommerce checkout page. But "Bank transfer" (bacs) is always …
php wordpress woocommerce stripe-payments payment-gatewayI wanted to get list of charges(Transactions) based on date range I specify, ie all transactions between my specified …
api stripe-paymentsIn stripe, my client wants email and card holder name, but stripe payment UI doesn't provide that option in com.…
android android-studio kotlin stripe-paymentsI'm in the process of building an online marketplace which sells shippable goods. The site will be similar to Etsy, …
e-commerce stripe-paymentsI have a bunch of API keys and secrets (Stripe, Cloudinary etc), that are currently hard coded in my app. …
ios swift swift2 stripe-payments api-keyI am configuring the payment gateway using Stripe, I have a basic structure you can see that you can add …
stripe-paymentsWe would like to know how we can test stripe in LIVE for an e-commerce website? The site basically is …
stripe-paymentsI finally figured out how to implement Stripes Monthly Billing using this tutorial. So far, …
ruby-on-rails ruby subscription stripe-payments