Top "Magnetic-cards" questions

Difference Between POS Entry Modes (Field 22)

I was wondering if anyone could help me understand difference between ISO 8583 Field 22 i.e. POS Entry Mode. I already …

iso8583 magnetic-cards
How to getting started with magnetic stripe cards?

I am newbie in the field of Magnetic-Stripe cards. But if I don't have any idea about the structure of …

stripe-payments credit-card magnetic-cards credit-card-track-data
Amex track data format

I am having troubles with track data processing: It would appear that various Amex cards labelled as ‘ANSI’ cards within …

magnetic-cards credit-card-track-data
Where can I find magnetic strip (track) test data?

I have written a library of functions that parses track 1 and track 2 data from magnetic strips on cards (credit cards, …

credit-card test-data magnetic-cards
catch input from a magnetic card reader to a variable

I can't seem to find a way to catch the input of a magnetic card reader. When it swipes, the …

c# winforms magnetic-cards
PHP - Reading data from magnetic card

I have to make a application where card reader will be attached to system and I have to read magnetic …

php device magnetic-cards
How to read from Msr (Magnetic Stripe Reader) directly in HID mode (not keyboard) without its OPOS driver or POS for .NET framework?

I have HP USB MINI MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader) works by default in HID (Human Interface), and not in HID-KB (…

c# usb hardware magnetic-cards