Top "Stomp" questions

STOMP is a simple interoperable protocol designed for asynchronous message passing between clients via mediating servers.

Stomp.js is out of date and no longer maintained - which Stomp client to use with Spring Websockets?

I found it surprising that the current documentation for the Spring WebSocket Support directs users to use stomp.js for …

spring websocket stomp spring-websocket java-websocket
How to use JMS Message Transformation in ActiveMQ with Stomp/JSON

I am sending messages in JSON format to an ActiveMQ server. I am trying to use JMS Transformation to transform …

json activemq stomp
Sending multiple messages to the same topic with Stomp

so I'm trying to send messages back to my browser from the server and have two methods that are supposed …

spring websocket annotations stomp
Heart-beating in STOMP client

The design of my current stomp client process is as follows: Open stomp connection (sending CONNECT frame) Subscribe to a …

java activemq socketexception stomp
Which one to choose from STOMP/AMQP?

i am using the node.js as client to jms topic.There are two protocols available to make the connection …

node.js jms amqp stomp
Spring Stomp @SendToUser with unauthenticated user not working

I'm trying to respond to an unauthenticated user using @SendToUser. Spring 4.1.1 I'm using a newly created Spring Boot application and …

spring spring-mvc stomp spring-websocket spring-messaging
Websocket keep track of connections in Spring

Today I've searched a couple of hours for an implementation or tutorial in how to keep track of websocket connections …

java spring stomp spring-websocket sockjs
Spring Stomp @SubscribeMapping("/user/...") with User Destination doesn't work

I need to react on a user destination subscription. Example: A user subscribes to /user/messages, because he wants to …

spring websocket stomp spring-4 spring-websocket
Sending images/files over Sockjs + Spring Websocket + Stomp

I am working on a messaging application using Spring websockets(STOMP as a sub-protocol) and Sockjs. I should provide support …

javascript stomp spring-websocket sockjs
spring boot rest and angular2 with websocket (stomp over sockjs)

Is it possible to use stomp over sockjs without MVC. So I would like to have spring rest interface in …

spring tomcat angular stomp sockjs