Top "Stereotype" questions

What is a Spring "stereotype"?

On a SpringSource blog entry, the following sentence references a stereotype. Because @Controller is a specialization of Spring's @Component Stereotype …

spring spring-annotations stereotype
What's the difference between a stereotype and a class inheritance in UML?

I'm confused about the difference between something being a "stereotype" and being a "superclass" in UML. Let's say I want …

inheritance uml stereotype
How do you use stereotype annotations in Spring 2.5.x?

When moving to Spring 2.5.x I found that it adds more stereotype annotations (on top of @Repository from 2.0): @Component, @Service …

java spring annotations aspects stereotype
How are Boundary, Entity and Control classes defined?

I'm referencing a book by bennet, s et al (2002). Object-orientated systems analysis and design 2nd ed. McgraawHill:Maidenhead. In the …
