Top "Aspects" questions

An aspect is a module implemented in an Aspect-Oriented Programming language that contains code for a cross-cutting concern, like logging or security.

Interceptors vs Aspects in Spring?

I am trying to use interceptors in Spring. I want to implement an interceptor on some methods to handle specific …

spring interceptor aspects
What is AspectJ good for?

First let me note, that I use AspectJ and I like it, but what else can I do with it. …

java aspectj aop aspects
Error the @annotation pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above

I am facing the same issue described in Error when using AspectJ AOP with Java 7 But provided solutions are not …

java spring aspects
How do you use stereotype annotations in Spring 2.5.x?

When moving to Spring 2.5.x I found that it adds more stereotype annotations (on top of @Repository from 2.0): @Component, @Service …

java spring annotations aspects stereotype
How to intercept method which handles its own exceptions using AspectJ

I'm trying add some monitoring when some specific exception occurs. For example, if I have an aspect like this: @Aspect …

java exception-handling aop aspectj aspects
Any PostSharp alternative?

I have to abandon using PostSharp, because it won't work with obfuscated/merged assemblies. At least, I don't see any …

.net aspects
IntelliJ IDEA + AspectJ

I am trying to use AspectJ in sample project in IntelliJ IDEA. I have an experience with Spring AOP, but …

java intellij-idea aop aspectj aspects